Ain’t No Suns­hi­ne (Bill Withers)
Boat on the River (Styx)
Black­bird (Beat­les)
Cali­for­nia Dre­a­ming (Mamas & Papas)
Coun­try Road (John Denver)
Cra­zy Man Micha­el (Tra­di­tio­nal)
Dance with Some­bo­dy (Man­do Diao)
De Stoom­wals (Flairck)
Dust In The Wind (Kan­sas)
Ev’ry Breath You Take (Sting)
Final Count­down (Euro­pe)
Going Up The Coun­try (Can­ned Heat)
Here Comes The Sun (Geor­ge Harrison)
Hero (Fami­ly Of The Year)
Hotel Cali­for­nia (Eagles)
House of the King (Focus)
John Bar­ley­corn (Tra­di­tio­nal)
Kil­ling Me Soft­ly (Charles Fox)
Lands­li­de (Fleet­wood Mac)
Lakes of Pontchartrain (Tra­di­tio­nal)
Moond­ance (Van Morrison)
Mrs. Robin­son (Simon & Garfunkel)
Rox­an­ne (Sting)
Scar­bo­rough Fair (Simon & Garfunkel)
Set Me Free (Bar­dic)
Sols­bu­ry Hill (Peter Gabriel)
Stair­way To Hea­ven (Led Zeppelin)
Streets of Lon­don (Ralph McTell)
Shi­ne On You Cra­zy Dia­mond (Pink Floyd)
Sum­mer of 69 (Bryan Adams)
The Let­ter (Box Tops)
Tonight (Rea­m­onn)
Wal­king in Mem­phis (Marc Cohn)